LifeBalance Go Program Policies Version 1.0

These Program Policies contain important information about our rules and guidelines for your participation in a LifeBalance Go Program and LifeBalance Go Membership (as defined in the LifeBalance Go Participant Terms and Conditions), and our rules and guidelines regarding travel, accommodation, visitors, guests, etc. Under the LifeBalance Go Participant Terms and Conditions, which constitute a binding contract between you (“you, “your” or “participant”) and LifeBalance Go, you are also agreeing to these policies.

LifeBalance Go is abbreviated “LBG”

  1. Accessibility Requirements: LifeBalance Go recognizes that some individuals may have physical and/or mental accessibility needs or impairments. As such, LifeBalance Go will endeavor to provide reasonable accommodations unless doing so causes a direct threat to these individuals or others, violates local laws, and/or if the accommodation creates an undue hardship to LifeBalance Go. For more information about this section or to discuss or request an accommodation, please reach out to our Onboarding Team, LifeBlance Go’s Staffs or Community Leader.
  2. Travel Policies

2.1 Enter LifeBalance Go and Exit from LifeBalance Go’s Cities   

2.1.1 Flights in and out of programs are not covered by LifeBalance Go, you are responsible for providing your own means of transportation between your homeland, countLBG or present living locations to arrive at LifeBlance Go’s welcome cities initially, and when finishing program you have a flight back to your country or other destination.

LifeBalance Go just covers transportation within the programs that stated “included” in the offer, introducing program to you.

2.1.2 Neither LifeBalance Go, nor its designated Travel Team members or affiliates, shall be liable for any cancellation penalty charged by an air carrier or other transportation provider, including but not limited to, any air carrier’s cancellation penalty related to the purchase of a non-refundable ticket to or from the city a participant is in prior to joining the Program or the city a participant is going to after leaving the Program.

2.2 Travel Alterations and Changes

If you are on a LifeBalance Go’s program that has included flights, there are 2 ways you can potentially alter or change your travel:

2.2.1 Transition Trip: This is a flight to a new destination in between two LifeBalance Go cities, over Transition Weekend. These are ticketed by the LifeBalance Go travel team. Availability, destinations, prices, dates and flight times will vary.

2.2.2 LifeBalance Go is generally able to make changes to the group reservation 60 days or more prior to the scheduled day of travel. Prior to the 60 day deadline of each travel day, you will receive your group’s Transition Options, if any, from the Travel Team. These will be a set of standard alternatives to the group travel that can be selected in the Marketplace. These Transition Options will be offered for every transition where LifeBalance Go finds viable options, at its discretion. However, no alternatives will be offered for the first leg of travel.

  • If you decide to leave your exsiting LifeBalance Go programs, all planned flights we may have booked for you will be canceled. If possible, you may have the opportunity to purchase your changed flights from LifeBalance Go for use after leaving your programs, but you need to let us know as far in advance as possible.
  • No changes can be made by LifeBalance Go to your group travel bookings after the 60 day deadline has passed.
  • If you are not traveling with your program on the standard group flight, you are responsible for your own ground transportation to and from the airport and/or bus station.
  • If you book alternate travel through a different source, or if you do not take part in LifeBalance Go’s travel weekend, you are not eligible to receive any type of compensation except for possibly the credit that is offered through the Transition Options process.
  • If you are not traveling to a scheduled city on the standard group flight you must send your LifeBlance Go’s staffs or Community Leader your departure and return information at least 10 days in advance of travel dates to ensure a smooth arrival when you rejoin your program.
  • If you decide to leave your LifeBalance Go group, all future LifeBalance Go credit, and planned flights we may have booked for you will be canceled. If possible, you may have the opportunity to purchase your changed flights from LifeBalance Go for use after leaving your community, but you need to let us know as far in advance as possible.
  • Only one Transition Option can be selected per Transition. Therefore you cannot select to receive a credit and have the Travel Team book you on the group flight.
  • Transition Options are final once confirmed via the Marketplace. The Travel team will not be able to book you back on the group flight if you select one of the other Transition Options.
  • LifeBalance Go will not provide individual assistance to book flights outside of the LifeBalance Go Transition Options.

2.3 Important Airline Policies

2.3.1 If you have a multi-leg flight scheduled, and you only wish to take one leg, please check with the Travel Team at least 14 days in advance of the flight to ensure this possibility. In some situations, the airline cancels a second leg if the first is not taken. Additionally, some airlines do not allow you to collect your baggage midway through a multi-leg itinerary.

2.3.2 Many airlines purposely overbook flights, as they expect cancellations. Unfortunately there is no way to protect against a situation where a LifeBalance Go planned flight is overbooked and the airline chooses to “bump” people in a LifeBalance Go program. Please note that LifeBalance Go always has a Plan B for travel and accommodation in case these issues arise.

2.3.3 Many Airlines and/or airports require proof of exit information from the country to which you are traveling. If you’re traveling with your program this information is included in your Travel Day email. If you are not exiting the country with the program on the normal transition weekend, please ensure you have your exit information with you.

2.4 Luggage Policies

2.4.1 On LifeBalance Go planned flights, LifeBalance Go can guarantee that you’ll be able to bring the following at no extra cost: one piece of checked luggage up to 20 kg (44 lbs) and 62 inches, as well as one piece of hand luggage up to 5kgs (11 lbs). (We wish we could guarantee more, but weight allowances for hand luggage and checked luggage vary greatly depending on the airline.) You are responsible for adhering to these limits. Should your luggage be over the limit allowed, you will be responsible for managing the weight of your luggage and paying any additional fees at the airports. LifeBalance Go will not be responsible in case of lost or stolen luggage, but our team will do our best to work with you to get it back.

2.4.2 If you can not carry it, do not pack it! Our staff are helpful but LifeBalance Go staff are not expected to transport baggage for you under any circumstances.

2.4.3 If you are not planning to travel with the program on travel day please take your baggage with you! LifeBalance Go staff and LifeBalance Go Participants are not able to transport baggage on your behalf. LifeBalance Go accounts for the number of Remotes traveling with each program to determine how much space is needed (both for passengers and baggage). In other words, if you are not joining your program on travel day, don’t ask one of your friends in your program to take your suitcase, there may not be room for it!

2.4.4 Some travellers may look to bring additional oversized luggage, such as bikes or surfboards. For any included ground transportation, while we will try to accommodate such luggage, this is not a guarantee. Any additional costs incurred to accommodate the luggage will be made clear to the participant in advance, for them to accept or choose to make their own arrangements. For included LifeBalance Go group / transition flights, the traveller will be responsible for all additional charges by the airline carrier. Because of the number of airlines used, LifeBalance Go cannot guarantee in advance that any oversize luggage will be accepted by the airline, and so all items are at the Participant’s risk.

  1. Visitors

3.1. For Retreats, visitors are not allowed. If your significant other or friend wants to join, they are welcome to book a spot.

3.2.1 For all other programs visitors allowed in LifeBalance Go accommodations vary depending on the following factors: (a) destination; (b) accommodation; and (c) the preferences of your roommate(s) (d) your community guidelines . Your accommodations in each city will be different, as such, the space available for visitors will vary. It is your responsibility to determine if your living space is sufficient for visitors.

3.2.2 Visitor FAQs:

  • All visitors must meet LifeBalance Go’s COVID vaccination policies.
  • If you have 2 visitors staying with you for a night, this counts as 2 visitor nights and so on.
  • Visitors must be reported to your LifeBalance Go’s staff, or Community Leader prior to their arrival. Not reporting visitors may result in your removal from your accommodations. In this case, LifeBalance Go will not cover the cost of your accommodations for the remainder of the month.
  • The fees and time constraints described above apply to visitors staying overnight in your LifeBalance Go accommodations. Fees and time constraints do not apply to visitors obtaining their own accommodations.
  • LifeBalance Go does not provide additional beds, bedding or towels for visitors.
  • Visitors may be able to attend events for free, for a cost, or not at all, at the Community Leader’s discretion. Visitor workspace fees and availability will vary, and should be coordinated with Community Leaders or LifeBalance Go’s Administrators.
  • You alone are responsible for your visitors! LifeBalance Go assumes no responsibility or liability for your visitors and LifeBalance Go assumes no responsibility or liability for the actions and/or behaviors of your visitors.
  • Should your visitors attend any LifeBalance Go events, stay in LifeBalance Go accommodations, or work in a LifeBalance Go workspace, they are expected to behave in accordance with the LifeBalance Go Code of Conduct. If your visitors act counter to LifeBalance Go’s values or Code of Conduct, LifeBalance Go reserves the right to ask them to leave and/or to deny them access to LifeBalance Go accommodations, workspaces, and events.
  • If your visitors are not current LifeBalance Go Members you MUST be present with them when they are in/at LifeBalance Go accommodations, LifeBalance Go workspaces, and LifeBalance Go events. (This means that your friend from home CANNOT stay in your room while you take a side trip or sleep somewhere else.)
  • Visitors that will be staying in LifeBalance Go accommodations must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Any Member, Participant who is not in good standing standing (e.g. was removed from a program, found in violation of the Code of Conduct, or has an outstanding balance with LifeBalance Go), is NOT able to stay in any LifeBalance Go accommodations as a visitor.
  • Anyone (member or not) who is found to be abusing the LifeBalance Go platform by shadowing or traveling with a community without paying for LifeBalance Go’s services will be banned from all future programs experiences of LifeBalance Go.
  1. Damages and Incidental Policies

4.1 At the end of each program and or month, LifeBalance Go will do an inventory of each property. If anything is broken or lost from your property or the coworking space, the remote responsible will have to pay for lost items and/or damages. If the person responsible is not identified, the group will have to share the bill (for housing, roommates will be responsible and for coworking, the entire group)

4.2 All costs will be charged to you by LifeBalance Go on your next billing cycle or in a separate invoice. If you would like to dispute any damage or lost item charges, you must do so within 7 days. For any lost or broken items, you will be charged the cost of repair/replacement and labor, which we will source from a local vendor and/or landlord.

4.3 Please remember that in most cases you are living in other people’s homes that they are renting out to you. As such, you are expected to treat their property with care and respect. If you are removed from your accommodation due to disrespecting the property or policies (e.g. excessive noise/partying), you will be responsible for obtaining your own accommodation at your own cost. You may also be charged a fee if upon checkout you do not follow the checkout procedures that are given to you in each city.

  1. Workspace Policies

5.1 General Workplace Policies Whether it’s a LifeBalance Go run coworking space or a third-party coworking space where LifeBalance Go rents seats for participants, you’re expected to behave responsibly, respectfully, professionally, and in accordance with LifeBalance Go’s Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in a loss of coworking space access privileges, or potentially removal from your LifeBalance Go program. Please, always remember to: Be a good guest! Please follow the “house rules” at all coworking spaces. Keep an eye out! You are responsible for your own belongings. Common sense dictates that you should not leave valuables unattended. LifeBalance Go is not responsible for items lost in or stolen from coworking spaces (not that we’ve known that to happen though!) Please also note that some workspaces that LifeBalance Go uses may be pet friendly. If this is something that is going to cause a problem for you, please let us know before arriving to the city. While we cannot stop pets from being in shared/common areas, where practicable we’ll do everything we can to try to facilitate a comfortable experience for you. Lastly, it’s important to note that if you choose not to use the LifeBalance Go’s workspace for any reason while on a program, no refund or credit will be due, as this is a prepaid facility within the LifeBalance Go package.

5.2 Mail and Packages LifeBalance Go will do its best to ensure you receive any packages sent to you while on the program, but LifeBalance Go is not responsible for any lost or unclaimed packages. If a package arrives in a city after your departure, you are financially responsible for any cost associated with forwarding the package. Please note that LifeBalance Go will not pay fees associated with package deliveries and LifeBalance Go will not facilitate the delivery of and will not accept responsibility or liability for any packages with illegal/illicit contents.

  1. Internet/ Wifi and Networking Policies

6.1 LifeBalance Go may provide you with access various internet and wifi networks, hotspots, and other technology platforms (collectively “LifeBalance Go Net” or “LifeBalance Go Services”). You may only use LifeBalance Go Net for legally allowed purposes. LifeBalance Go assumes no liability for illegal uses of LifeBalance Go Net. LifeBalance Go reserves the right to take action against those who misuse LifeBalance Go Net, including temporarily or permanently limiting their access to LifeBalance Go Net (by imposing strict permissions and bandwidth caps, or other methods), removing their access to LifeBalance Go Net completely, potentially removing them from a LifeBalance Go Program, and/or reporting them to the relevant authorities. To be absolutely clear, you are expected NOT to use LifeBalance Go Net for illegal purposes. Additionally, you are expected NOT to use LifeBalance Go Net in any of the ways described below, which would be considered “misuse”. Examples of misuse include, but are not limited to:

  • Any use that would violate LifeBalance Go’s Code of Conduct or Terms and Conditions
  • Any use that would violate the Terms of Service for the relevant type of LifeBalance Go Net.
  • Collecting and/or harvesting emails or any personal information of participants, LifeBalance Go Staff, or any other users.
  • High bandwidth operations, (e.g. large file transfers and peer-to-peer media sharing)
  • Uses involving obscene or indecent speech or materials, or defamatory, harassing, abusive, or threatening material or language
  • Uses involving obscene or indecent speech or materials, or defamatory, harassing, abusive, or threatening material or language
  • Forging or misrepresenting (masking) the originator of a message
  • Hacking, distribution of Internet viruses, Trojan horses, pinging, flooding, mail-bombing, denial of service attacks or other destructive activities. Also, activities that disrupt the use of or interfere with the ability of others to effectively use any connected network, service, or equipment
  • Seeking information on passwords or data belonging to another user
  • Sending of unsolicited bulk and/or commercial messages over LifeBalance Go Net or using LifeBalance Go Net for activities that invade another’s privacy
  • Engaging in any activity that infringes or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of others, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, or any other proprietary right of any third party
  • Accessing illegally or without authorization computers, accounts, equipment or networks belonging to another party, or attempting to penetrate/circumvent security measures of another system. Including, but not limited to, port scans, stealth scans, or other information gathering activity
  • The transfer of technology, software, or other materials in violation of applicable export laws and regulations
  • Using the LifeBalance Go Net in violation of applicable law and regulation, including, but not limited to, advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, fraudulently charging credit cards, pirating software, or making fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, items, or services
  • Distribution of any pornographic materials to or of minors
  • Note that, we may review content to determine whether it is illegal or violates our policies, and we may remove or refuse to display content that we reasonably believe violates our policies or the law. But that does not necessarily mean that we review content, so please don’t assume that we do.
  1. COVID-19

7.1 COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

  • All participants traveling with LifeBalance Go as part of a new program will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • LifeBalance Go’s vaccine requirement applies to all Guests, Staff or Members who look to attend official LifeBalance Go events, designated co-work space, accommodations, and any other LifeBalance Go related platform. Proof of vaccination will be required to participate in a LifeBlance Go program, to attend events hosted by LifeBalance Go, or to access LifeBalance Go accommodations.
  • Should LifeBalance Go learn that an individual subject to the vaccine requirement has provided LifeBalance Go with false information regarding their vaccination status, that individual will be immediately removed from the LifeBalance Go program in question without any refund consistent with LifeBalance Go’s Terms and Conditions.
  • LifeBalance Go’s vaccination requirement is in addition to any local entry requirements for each county, to which each participant must strictly adhere.
  • At all time participants are responsible for understanding and adhering to any local entry requirements in relation to COVID-19, and responsible for any costs in relation to tests, quarantining, or any other related expense.

7.2 Ongoing LifeBalance Go COVID Safety Measures

When going on a RY program, you must always follow all local regulations. In addition to these regulations, we have a few additional policies and partners to ensure you are as safe as possible when traveling with us. We reserve the right to amend our COVID-19 safety measures in line with guidance from local governments and/or trade associations. ‍Community Guidelines and suggestions

  • Avoid going into others personal spaces unless invited
  • Reduce physical contact when not necessary
  • Wash and disinfect your hands frequently
  • Do not bring strangers back to your living spaces without consent from your roommates

What else is LifeBalance Go doing to ensure a safe experience?

  • Providing support to LifeBalance Go staff to receive the vaccination
  • Partnering with local doctors and hospitals in case of emergencies
  • Leaning on our safety advisor (International SOS) for guidance and support
  • Deep cleaning properties prior to arrival as well as providing hand sanitizer in each living space
  1. Miscellaneous

8.1 Pets In some locations, namely where we have confirmed that Selina will be the accommodation provider, we may be able to permit pets to be on program with their owner. Any additional costs charged in relation to bringing pets will be payable by the Participant direct to the Accommodation Provider. LifeBalance Go is not responsible for any additional charges, or services in relation to the charges. Nor can LifeBalance Go take any responsibility for the accomdoation’s suitability for pets. The participants will be responsible for upholding all regulations laid out by the Accommodation provider.

For the vast majority of our programs, we are not able to support pets on programs currently, but we are going to do our best to continue exploring this option and will update you in the future if it becomes viable.

8.2 Age Persons below the age of 21 are not eligible to participate in a LifeBalance Go Program or LifeBalance Go Membership

8.3 Families and Children As long as your family are all above 21 in age, we would love to have you! Unfortunately we are not currently accepting anyone under the age of 21.

If, in case, you still want to have your children under 21 to join program or go with you, please contact LifeBalance Go staff in advance and LifeBalance Go will arrange the different programs that  is appropriate to you and family members.

8.4 Safety We always work with our safety and security partner, International SOS, to determine the best destinations for each of our programs with your safety in mind.

8.5 Drugs, Alcohol and Illicit Substances LifeBalance Go does not tolerate use of illegal drugs or activity on any program. All participants are expected to abide by the laws in each country visited. If at any point during the Program you perform or engage in any illegal activity, LifeBalance Go is not responsible for legal ramifications of that action, and you may be removed from the Program at your own cost, and without refund to you. LifeBalance Go has no responsibility or obligation to notify participants of all applicable local laws.

8.6 Visas LifeBalance Go Participants are responsible for obtaining any documents required for their participation in the trip, such as a valid passport, all visas, vaccination certificates, and any other documents. Failure to obtain documents does not negate the Terms and Conditions, and any extra costs incurred for rerouting due to travel without the necessary documents will be the participant’s responsibility. LifeBalance Go is not a legal advisor or a professional advisor and it does not provide guidance on visa processes.

However, LifeBalance Go always give you support to get visas for joining LifeBalance Go ‘s programs. (Contact LifeBalance Go Administraion for Visa support)

8.7 Travel Insurance You must have adequate travel insurance in order to participate in a LifeBalance Go Program. LifeBalance Go may provide information about insurance options and references to trusted insurance partners during onboarding, however, you alone are responsible for securing said insurance and LifeBalance Go may require you to present proof of said insurance.

8.8 Job requirement Being employed is not a requirement to be able to participate in a LifeBalance Go program, but bring your passion project.

  1. Our Housing Promise

LifeBalance Go will never knowingly or intentionally put a Participants in accommodations we believe are “unlivable”. However, sometimes situations arise that are out of our control. If any of the issues listed below arise, please report them immediately by submitting a ticket on the sending an email, a message to your LifeBlance Go ‘s staff, Community Leader. If the issue is not resolved within 48 hours of your report, and if the issue was not the direct or proximate result of a LifeBalance Go’s actions, LifeBalance Go will move you to a new accommodation until the problem has been fixed. The following instances are included in and examples of this policy:

  • No warm water
  • Electricity or power outage: Intermittent power outage resulting in 48 hours of total lost power. Note: the outage must be specific to the building or the unit in order to qualify.
  • No internet connectivity: Note: LifeBalance Go may provide you with a SIM card or hotspot instead of moving you for internet connectivity issues.
  • Clean room and/or bedding
  • Air conditioning or heat failure in extreme climates.

Extreme Climates are defined as follows: Warm Weather: If the average temperature* in a city during the month that we are there is greater than 25o C you will have air conditioning in your accommodation. Cold Weather: If the average temperature* in a city during the month that we are operating is less than 55 F (13 C), you will have a heater in your accommodation. *For the purposes of our extreme climates policy, average temperature is based on historical data. Unfortunately we may be unable to install air conditioning during heatwaves and/or heating during record breaking lows.